Perhaps not our official Paramotor Fly-In this year but perhaps it might become the best one? Dates for this get-together is from the 6th of May till the 12th of May 2024.
Happy Wanderers needs no introduction and this venue was host to our 2023 Fly-In. Although the weather didn’t really play ball most had to get to fly to their hearts content. There is just something about the ease of flight at the coast.
This time around we have opted for even simpler arrangements than last time with one standard rate per person sharing. We have asked the resort to only provide us with breakfast as the general consensus is that the a la carte restaurant was more than sufficient to cater for everyone’s needs as far as supper and lunch is concerned. More details here:
IMPORTANT: Again this time we will not be handling any of the bookings ourselves. You will need to reach out to the resort on 039 9751104 and book your accomodation which is a package deal consisting of Bed and Breakfast per person sharing. Make sure you mention that you are part of the Paramotor Fly-In group. This time around the deal with the resort will only offer Bed and Breakfast (i.e. if you dont eat breakfast you will still pay the same rate) but the deal is good at just under R500 per person inclusive of breakfast per day for the 6 days.
The resort offers a myriad of activities see here: facilities and just like last time, your pilot registration fee (R1500-00) will get you a nice PPG related gift. This fee excludes the R2965-00 for the resort accomodation for the dates 6th till the 12th of May. If you plan a different or shorter period, you may need to negotiate that directly with the resort.
We are planning mainly XC events and perhaps a treasure hunt as far as activities are concerned but as our first one proved, the camaraderie is what most is coming for. Hopefully the weather gives us some grace so we can actually do some of the activities we planned last time.
We are also hoping for the willingness of some tandem pilots to help make it interesting for your families. Hands up please those who would be up to the task.
Please add your suggestions here.
Please join our WhatsApp Group here.
Our friendly neighborhood paramotor Instructor Basjan van Heerden from Apex Adventures will not be smoking 20 cigarettes per minute again as apparently he vapes now… Safety and flight supervision will be handled by Riaan Struwig and Basjan. Last year went off without a single incident which we were very grateful for. We know the local flying community well and will be sure to advise that we will be filling the skies during this period. We’ll be flying on frequencies 124.2 MHz, 124.4 MHz, 124.8 MHz and possibly Margate (FAMG) 122.7 MHz. More of that during our briefings.